Saturday, November 21, 2009

Well - I think that I am all settled in again. Last week we said goodbye to the green house and now are in the 'blue' house. The green house sold after being on the market for over a year w/not even an offer... We are getting pretty efficient at this moving thing and I will say that moving within the same town is so much easier than state to state!

This week has been crazy. No school and snow Monday and then so nice to day...


We are loving being closer to Jas and his family, It is a huge blessing and a lot of fun!


  1. Oh my goodness... it was that nice after the snow!!! I'm so glad to hear the move went well from the green house to the blue house...
    Happy Sunday!
    Love ya,

  2. what house did you move to? Who use to live there before? I don't know streets in Sabetha very well, I am a farm girl, what can I say.

  3. Vikkie - we are in Stan and Donna Keim's old house. I still do not know the streets either, I think that I know Lincoln streets better here it is so small that there is always an easy landmark...
