Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It is hard to believe that it is already August. August always means back to school. Eli had a great year last year in Kindergarten with a wonderful teacher. However, he did get very tired and with him in bed so early (often by 6:30) I did not feel that we really got to have any family time. So, after praying and thinking through things, this, along with many other things, lead us to decide that for this coming year we are going to do something different. Eli will be going to a classical christian university model school for the coming year. This means that he will be at school on Tuesday and Thursday for a full school day and that Monday, Wednesday, Friday will be a full home school day. The school is on a university calendar and he has 10 kids in his class and will be able to move as fast as he needs through the curriculum which will be nice. I am both nervous and excited about this year and this new adventure. So we are enjoying our last couple of weeks of summer and I am attempting to get my things in order for the school year. I just got one of my big boxes in from Amazon w/more curriculum so while the kids are resting (or in their rooms at least) I am going to go through my treasures...

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